LangText=(Please select the language that you would like to use during the installation.||<insert localise string here>)
Msg0=(The file '%s' could not be opened. Please check that your disk is not full and that you have access to the destination directory.)
Msg1=(Installation Aborted!)
Msg2=(Could not write file, your disk may be full!)
Msg3=(Copying )
Msg5=(Could not execute the external program %s.)
Msg6=(Could not load the DLL library %s.)
Msg7=(Corrupt installation file!)
Msg8=(Select Pathname for the )
Msg9=( Directory:)
Msg10=(Manual Installation)
Msg11=(This software requires an additional %ld K bytes free on the %c: drive to install. Please remove any unnecessary files and try again.)
Msg12=(The directory %s already exists, would you like to install into that directory anyway?)
Msg13=(Downloading )
Msg14=(Skipping )
Msg15=(Could not communicate to the network server, error %d.)
Msg16=(Press the OK button to continue.|Press Cancel to abort the installation.)
Msg19=(Please select the files from the list below to extract. Press the OK button to extract the files. Press the Cancel button to exit.)
Msg20=(A file with that name already exists.)
Msg21=(Invalid directory name specified or the removable media specified is not properly inserted.)
Msg22=(The file %s is in use and cannot be installed. Please exit all other applications and retry. Press ignore to not install the file and abort to cancel the installation.)
Msg23=(This system must be restarted to complete the installation. Press the OK button to restart this computer. Press Cancel to return to Windows without restarting.)
Msg24=(Disk Space Required:)
Msg25=(Free Space Remaining:)
Msg26=(The file %s could not be opened.)
Msg31=(Setup is not complete. If you quit the setup program now, the program will not be installed.||You may run the setup program at a later time to complete the installation.||To continue installing, click Resume. To quit the Setup program, click Exit Setup.)
Msg33=(|This installation is password protected. Please enter the installation password into the field below.)
Msg34=(You have entered an incorrect password. Please reenter the correct password or press Cancel to abort the installation.)
Msg37=(An I/O error occurred while installing a file. This is normally caused by bad installation media or a corrupt installation file.)
Msg41=(The file %s is not a valid previous version and could not be upgraded.)
Msg42=(Upgrading )
Msg43=(A newer version of this installation is on the server. Please re-download this installation.)
Msg44=(You do not have access to make the required system configuration modifications. Please rerun this installation from an administrators account.)
LICMSG=Please read the following software license agreement carefully.
LICQUES=(Click Yes to indicate that you have read and accepted all the terms of the above agreement. If you click No, the installation will abort.)
READTITLE=View Readme File
READMSG=Please read through the contents of the Readme File shown
OSERROR=This installation only supports Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME and Windows XP. Installation will now exit.
FINISHTITLE=Installation Completed
COMPLETEMSG=Installation completed. Click OK to exit installation.
PLAYCENTERMSG=This driver cannot used for Playcenter 2 version earlier than 2.20. Please visit for more information.
RECONNECTMSG=Please reconnect your device for the driver to take effect.
DRIVERPROMPT=Setup has found a newer version of Nomad Jukebox 3 Drivers on your system. If you choose to continue, your existing copy of Nomad Jukebox 3 Drivers will be uninstalled and replaced by this version. Do you want to continue?